It’s time for my very first cover reveal!
Get ready, people. I’ve designed a bunch of covers in the past, including this author’s debut novel, but a cover reveal here on my blog is brand spanking new. And, lucky you, you’re here for it. xo
Author Kelley Rose Waller came to me with a picture in her mind of what the cover for her sophomore novel Going Back Cold could look like, including two stock photos she’d selected specifically because of how closely they matched what she was imagining. As a seasoned marketing professional, she was spot-on for capturing the feeling of the vast emptiness of the scientific research base in Antarctica where the book is set.
I LOVED working on this cover design with her.
But hold up. Before we get to the drum-rolling and the cover-revealing, let’s have a quick chat with my sister, author Kelley Rose Waller, about writing Going Back Cold, her life and likes, and all the feels in this book.
Tell us a little about yourself.
Kelley writes fiction to imagine new life experiences. Her second novel, Going Back Cold, will release on October 1, 2019. Her debut novel, The Senator’s Youngest Daughter, was released in 2016. This conservative political thriller pits a young woman and her family against a media tycoon backed by the president of a very different United States.
Kelley’s day job as vice president of a marketing firm offers her the opportunity to write and plan for clients in diverse fields. Kelley and her husband are Pennsylvania foster parents. She lives and writes to uplift and glorify the name of Jesus Christ, has a B.A. in English, and lives in Lancaster, PA, with her husband, their children, and their dog.
What are three of your favorite things?
My family, board games, and science fiction.
Last book you read? How was it?
The Great Alone by Kristin Hannah. I LOVED it. My full review is here.
Last show you binged? How was it?
Good Girls starring Christina Hendricks. It was funny! Not top ten material, but I enjoyed it. I also finished Brooklyn Nine-Nine which is DEFINITELY top ten material, so I wish there was more to binge!
Why did you write Going Back Cold?
When my daughter was stillborn, I found that people didn’t know how to react. Worse, I didn’t know how to articulate what I was feeling, particularly toward the Lord. This book is a (very) fictional account of a woman experiencing something similar to what I did.
For me, it wasn’t the first day after my daughter’s death that was hard or even the first month—it was the presence of the loss in everything, all the time for months and years. I was on the phone with a friend sharing about the loss four years after it happened and heard myself say, “This is the first time that, if I was given the chance to go back, I know for sure I wouldn’t.” I’d reached a point where my today was no longer so affected by her absence. Her memory was there—and always will be—but I was able to feel bittersweet, not just bitter. That conversation—the idea of ‘not going back’—is what inspired me to share this story.
Okay, NOW it’s time. Drum roll, please…

From the back cover:
“You can’t let grief enter every area of your life, so she keeps hers confined to certain areas,” he said. “Grief doesn’t come into the lab or sit with you over your coffee at breakfast. But, late at night, grief is on your pillow.”
Physicist Dr. Jane Whyse and her husband have just arrived at a remote Antarctic base when they discover an unexpected blessing—Jane is pregnant with their second child. As Project Split Horizon builds the piezoelectric jet she designed, Jane gets closer to achieving faster-than-light travel, with the potential to radically change the course of NASA’s future plans. But after eight months of anticipation, the Whyses are devastated when their daughter is stillborn.
Torn between faith and hopelessness, Jane begins an ugly struggle to understand God’s plan for her life in the midst of a mother’s mourning. The lifeless Antarctic landscape seems only to emphasize the emptiness within her. Despite success in her scientific research and a world-changing technological leap forward, Jane continues to grieve.
What healing can faith offer against hopelessness? Does the Author of Creation truly understand the suffering of His children? As she tries to find restoration through years of searching, Jane explores a critical horizon where her scientific breakthrough meets God’s sovereignty over space and time.
Available: October 1, 2019
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